NZCT Funds New Skiffs for Coromandel Youth Sailing.

It's truly awesome that we’re getting some faster boats. I have enjoyed learning to sail, now I really want to get into racing.
Sailing student Ariana Wake

A $15,197 grant from New Zealand Community Trust (NZCT) for four BIC O'pen skiffs and four safety helmets awarded to Coromandel Youth Support Association (CYSA), will enable CYSA to offer exciting new sailing experiences for the community’s young people.

CYSA strives to provide a professional and affordable pathway into the sport of yachting for the Northern Coromandel community. Youth Sailing Administrator Glenys Carr says "The O’pen skiffs will advance our students through Yachting New Zealand’s Level 2 and 3 ‘Sail Fast’ courses and help foster a life-long passion for sport sailing."

Parent Lucas Evans commented, “Acquiring the new skiffs is very exciting for our young sailors. We can now extend their sailing opportunities and retain their interest and engagement when they’re ready for the next step.”

Young sailor Kahu Evans shares, “It’s going to be a bit scary to sail in a bigger boat after the small ones, but I know our instructors will help us to learn how to handle them.”

Sailing student Ariana Wake adds, "It's truly awesome that we’re getting some faster boats. I have enjoyed learning to sail, now I really want to get into racing."

NZCT’s GM Grants, Marketing and Communications, Ben Hodges adds, "Providing pathways in sport is crucial for retaining young people’s engagement. These O'pen skiffs should do the trick! NZCT is grateful for the responsible gaming fundraising partnership we share with the Star and Garter that made our grant possible.”