New Trailer to Boost Lifeguard Training at New Brighton Surf Club.

NZCT’s support will help expand our junior and intermediate programmes, ensuring a steady influx of young lifeguards and enhancing local beach safety for years to come.
New Brighton SLSC Chairperson Lachlan Hill

New Zealand Community Trust (NZCT) has awarded the New Brighton Surf Bathing & Life Saving Club a $20,000 grant to purchase a new, purpose-built surf-lifesaving trailer, accommodating the demands of its rapidly growing membership.

New Brighton SLSC Chairperson Lachlan Hill says, " As a club that is rebuilding its membership base, we currently have high levels of interest from our members in both lifeguarding and sports. Given the location of the club, we’re dealing with several families that are either on, or below the poverty line, and do not have the ability to purchase what is required to transport gear to events or lifeguarding activities, this includes families that have special needs that want to belong to a community organisation to give the individuals within those families a sense of purpose. Having access to a new gear trailer will advance the club significantly to achieve our goal to support as many lifeguards as possible and ensuring they continue volunteering in the future.”

The grant also addresses transportation issues that limited the club’s ability to take members to competitions and events. Hill added, "Maintaining three old trailers was expensive and environmentally damaging. The new trailer will allow us to consolidate into one, improving safety, reducing costs, and lessening our environmental impact."

Hill further noted, “NZCT’s support will help expand our junior and intermediate programmes, ensuring a steady influx of young lifeguards and enhancing local beach safety for years to come.”

NZCT’s GM Grants, Marketing and Communications, Ben Hodges adds, " It’s wonderful to be able to help this proud club rejuvenate. NZCT is grateful for the responsible gaming fundraising partnerships we enjoy with our venues across Christchurch that made our grant possible.”