The Gisborne Mountain Bike Club is looking forward to constructing a new gravel track loop, thanks to a recent grant of $50,000 from the NZCT.
The Gisborne MTB Club has recently obtained funding and project managed the redevelopment of the Whataupoko Reserve with all-new purpose-built mountain biking trails. The reserve will continue to be a dual use reserve with the main use of the reserve being mountain biking but with opportunities for runners and walkers to use the existing trails. The existing trails are intertwined with the new bike trails and can sometimes cause confusion for both walkers and runners. Because of the Gisborne geology, the trails easily become waterlogged, boggy and slippery after rainstorms.
Club Secretary Steferl Gordon commented, “An easy bike-riding loop track will be upgraded to a hard surface which will clearly define the track and enable all-year access, as well as being available to walkers and runners. The upgrade will include surface water control, drainage and a gravel surface. Upon completion, it will be an extremely user-friendly, custom-designed facility, available for use by the entire community, and located close to the heart of beautiful downtown Gisborne.”
Whataupoko Park has numerous trails suitable for walking and mountain biking that offer sweeping views of Poverty Bay from many sites on the reserve. The great number of trees provides excellent shade to recreational users and extensive planting has brought many native birds to the area, including tui and kereru. There are also 15 km of trails and forestry road at Millmore Forest, created by Gisborne MTB Club on private forestry land.