Stratford High School Get To Play Away With The Help Of NZCT

NZCT has awarded a grant of $22,644 to cover the cost of travel and accommodation during tournament week.

Sports Coordinator Philippa Smith says, “This funding support will be of great assistance to our families and students during tournament week. By attending these tournaments the students experience a great deal of pride, both in our school and in themselves. This grant will increase the quality of sport not only because our students will train harder and have something to look forward to, but also be able to compete at a higher level.”

“We applied to NZCT for funding to make it more viable for our students to attend their chosen tournament"

By receiving this funding we are able to keep costs down for our families and therefore remove one of the biggest barriers, especially for families with more than one child participating.”
Sports Coordinator Philippa Smith

“Since we are a relatively small school, a number of our students play multiple sports - otherwise, we would not be able to field teams across the board. This requires a huge time commitment and a lot of work to manage sports, school work, and sometimes part time jobs. Tournament week is what we work toward for the entire season.”

“Attending tournaments like this also raises our profile in the community and helps attract students to our school. We compete well with the bigger schools and tournament week is something the students look forward to all year, especially this year, given the disruptions we have all experienced with Covid.”

Stratford High School is located in Central Taranaki and has a school roll of approx 550 students. It has successfully competed in NZ Secondary School tournament week for many years, sending netball, basketball, hockey, swimming, and football teams away to various tournaments around the country.