A goal achieved for Blue Rovers FC

Blue Rovers Junior Football Club is excited to receive a grant of $15,000 from New Zealand Community Trust (NZCT) towards the cost of new goal equipment.

The majority of their previous equipment was over ten years old. Club Spokesperson Yvonne Armitage said, “The design of these goals no longer compiles with the current health and safety requirements of Tauranga City Council and New Zealand Football Association. As a result the Club is endeavouring to remove any risk factors and mitigate any danger to members of our community. Failure to upgrade the goals brings about the risk of liability and injury to members of the community that use these public facilities.

“Blue Rovers defines success as creating an environment and community where players can improve their football and develop a lifelong love of ‘the beautiful game.’ Our kids always love seeing us parents, carers, and other family members on the field and helping out behind the scenes. This is a great way to get involved with the club and commit to our values of a family and community-centred club.”

The club was formed in 1971 and has around five hundred players across First Kicks, junior, youth, senior, girls’ and women’s winter football. Almost as many are involved in Futsal and Fast Football in Terms 1 and 4, with most players coming from Greerton, Pyes Pa, The Lakes, and Central Tauranga.

Blue Rovers Junior Football Club has a proud history of serving families in the South Tauranga area, offering a culture that values participation from both children and parents, and encouraging excellence.

The Club is endeavouring to remove any risk factors and mitigate any danger to members of our community. Failure to upgrade the goals brings about the risk of liability and injury to members of the community that use these public facilities.
Yvonne Armitage, Blue Rovers Junior Football Club